Hi, welcome

C'mon in and look around. I decided to make this website because I wanted to get away from social media websites while still sharing highlights of life and all that jazz. I saw a video encouraging people to give it a shot, so that's what I'm doing. I'm excited to see how it goes. If you're here from a social media link, and just curious about what I'm up to, click here , or or navigate to the "Blog" tab above. If you'd like to reach out, send me a message , or navigate to the "Contact" tab above.

About me

Hi, I'm Nate. I was born in Grand Rapids, MI in 1998. I use he/him pronouns. At this point in my life I'm really into making music under the name "pickled eggs漬け卵". Uhhhhh, I also really enjoy playing guitar, playing drums, taking photos, chillin' with the homies, and bouldering. I'd love to learn more about web design, graphic design, DJing, other art mediums, and the big 'ol world I live in. Idrk what else to say, man, I usually don't think about my interests this hard haha. I'll update as I go.

pickled eggs漬け卵

My favorite tunes so far:

Everything else: